I am now at $1600 of the $2800! It has been incredibly encouraging to see how God has brought in the money so far. And this is especially great news since $1600 is the amount I need to send in to Heart to Heart International Ministries by December 1st.
However, since our group bought plane tickets separately from Heart to Heart, I personally purchased them. This means that the remaining $1200 I need to raise can be made out directly to myself. So, if God has put it on your heart to financially support me, but you have not yet gotten around to writing the check, please make it out to Heather Block. I really appreciate the support I have already gotten and am so THANKFUL for the people God has placed in my life! And I am excited to see how God will bring in the rest of the funds needed!
Welcome! First time visit? Check out my very first post to get the big picture, then feel free to explore! Join me on this adventure God has set ahead of me!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Optimistic Vs. Pessimistic?
'40% of my funding has come in... praise the Lord!'
'I still need 60% of my funding... ugh.'
Both of these thoughts have come to mind in the last couple days. And they aren't just the difference of an optimistic viewpoint versus a pessimistic one. They are the difference of relying on God versus going at this alone. They are the difference of trusting in God to supply all my needs versus trusting in man to supply all my needs. They are the difference of whole and complete faith versus disbelief.
So, please be praying that any 'ugh's I may be tempted to utter would turn to 'Praise the Lord!'s as I see all that He has provided for me. Be praying that a number, $2800, does not make me put my God in a box. Be praying that God shows me just how much he is capable of in my life.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sending the Goers
Which is more important-- the rescuer who goes down into the well to save a life, or the man at the top holding the rope? That's a silly question, isn't it? Because you can't have one without the other!
This morning I read a great passage by The Traveling Team on sending. It addressed being a World Christian, and how that is different from any other christian. A World Christian is one who understands God's heart for the world and strategically lives their life in such a way that wherever they are and whatever they do, they are striving to see Him glorified among all nations. A World Christian is one who, when blessed with a raise or unexpected financial gain, instead of raising their standard of living, is a resource for someone else. A World Christian is one who prays for workers to go out into the harvest.
In Romans 10:13-15, Paul asks a simple question: knowing that all who call on the Lord will be saved, how will they believe if they have not heard, how will they hear with no one preaching, how will they preach with no one sending? Sending is at the beginning of the chain to people hearing and believing! How cool is that? By staying home and just simply giving of your resources and PRAYING, you play just as big a part in missions as the goer does.
So, how will you be a sender?
This morning I read a great passage by The Traveling Team on sending. It addressed being a World Christian, and how that is different from any other christian. A World Christian is one who understands God's heart for the world and strategically lives their life in such a way that wherever they are and whatever they do, they are striving to see Him glorified among all nations. A World Christian is one who, when blessed with a raise or unexpected financial gain, instead of raising their standard of living, is a resource for someone else. A World Christian is one who prays for workers to go out into the harvest.
In Romans 10:13-15, Paul asks a simple question: knowing that all who call on the Lord will be saved, how will they believe if they have not heard, how will they hear with no one preaching, how will they preach with no one sending? Sending is at the beginning of the chain to people hearing and believing! How cool is that? By staying home and just simply giving of your resources and PRAYING, you play just as big a part in missions as the goer does.
So, how will you be a sender?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
God's Blessings
Wow! I am in amazement at how much I have already been able to see God work in fundraising! I am at 21% as of today... which is such a blessing considering that before I checked the mail I was at .016%! I really do believe that God is going to use this short window of time I have to raise funds (til December 1st) to show how much He really is capable of!
And my God will supply every need of MINE, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
--Philippians 4:19
And my God will supply every need of MINE, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
--Philippians 4:19
Friday, November 12, 2010
Bracelets for sale!
Wanna help me get to Romania but don't have a ton of money? Love having one-of-a-kind jewelry that makes an impact on the world around you? Cool! I have just the thing....
Romania Prayer Bracelets!
Hit me up if you would like to get one of these bracelets.
Suggested Donation of whatever your heart wants to give... seriously! Whether it be $2, $5, or $20, any amount will help out.
Will you help support me in this way? It's a great way to spread awareness of the orphans in Romania, as well as a great reminder to pray for them and my upcoming trip.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Romanian Orphans-- History
As I was researching the orphanages in Romania, my heart started breaking for these precious little children. I want to give you all a brief history on why there are so many orphans in Romania, as well as the challenges facing the orphanages and the horrible conditions the orphans are forced to live in. All content taken from http://www.csuchico.edu/engl/faculty/engl1Tom/The%20Orphanages.html.
The children were placed in the orphanages for numerous reasons, but most will blame Ceausescu’s anti-abortion and child requirement laws. Ceausescu required that women have 5 children by the age of 45 before he would allow them birth control or abortions. However, during the child requirement laws he was also exporting Romania's food to pay off the large national debt. Families were put in the position to have children that they couldn’t afford or feed. The unwanted children were sent to the state orphanages. As time went on it became more and more excepted to leave the unwanted children in the orphanages. It is so common to put your children in the orphanage that the parents visit once every 6 months and the children are not considered to be abandoned at all.
There are no toys in Romania’s orphanages; instead the children play with dirty needles in old hospital dumping grounds. Westerners were horrified when they got their first look at the Romanian Orphanages when reporters found the orphans left alone for long periods of time, tied to their beds, with bottles of gruel propped into their mouths. The orphans were so neglected that they failed to show any emotions at all. They didn’t cry or show anger or even respond to people coming in and out of the room.
The care-workers in the orphanages are poorly trained and only provide the most basic needs for survival. The babies are not held or given any visual stimuli. The torn cribs resemble solitary confinement. The care-workers are cruel and resent giving the orphans attention because they feel like the orphans are getting a free ride while they are working long hours trying to feed their own children. Children who are cross-eyed or show any form of disability are assumed retarded and are left to find their own food, beds, and clothes. The care-workers are so detached from the children that in some cases the children were hosed down with cold water to be washed. As a response to the neglect many of the children can be found rocking themselves to sleep in their soiled cribs.
There is so much sad in this world! Our father greatly longs for the justice of these children to be brought about. He wants them to know His loving touch and deep care for them. Be praying that God is preparing the hearts of specific orphans right to now receive His love this winter break. Also be praying for our interactions with the workers of the orphanages. I'm not exactly sure what kind of orphanage we will be going to, but even if the conditions are better than described above, these workers still need Jesus' love too!
The children were placed in the orphanages for numerous reasons, but most will blame Ceausescu’s anti-abortion and child requirement laws. Ceausescu required that women have 5 children by the age of 45 before he would allow them birth control or abortions. However, during the child requirement laws he was also exporting Romania's food to pay off the large national debt. Families were put in the position to have children that they couldn’t afford or feed. The unwanted children were sent to the state orphanages. As time went on it became more and more excepted to leave the unwanted children in the orphanages. It is so common to put your children in the orphanage that the parents visit once every 6 months and the children are not considered to be abandoned at all.
There are no toys in Romania’s orphanages; instead the children play with dirty needles in old hospital dumping grounds. Westerners were horrified when they got their first look at the Romanian Orphanages when reporters found the orphans left alone for long periods of time, tied to their beds, with bottles of gruel propped into their mouths. The orphans were so neglected that they failed to show any emotions at all. They didn’t cry or show anger or even respond to people coming in and out of the room.
The care-workers in the orphanages are poorly trained and only provide the most basic needs for survival. The babies are not held or given any visual stimuli. The torn cribs resemble solitary confinement. The care-workers are cruel and resent giving the orphans attention because they feel like the orphans are getting a free ride while they are working long hours trying to feed their own children. Children who are cross-eyed or show any form of disability are assumed retarded and are left to find their own food, beds, and clothes. The care-workers are so detached from the children that in some cases the children were hosed down with cold water to be washed. As a response to the neglect many of the children can be found rocking themselves to sleep in their soiled cribs.
There is so much sad in this world! Our father greatly longs for the justice of these children to be brought about. He wants them to know His loving touch and deep care for them. Be praying that God is preparing the hearts of specific orphans right to now receive His love this winter break. Also be praying for our interactions with the workers of the orphanages. I'm not exactly sure what kind of orphanage we will be going to, but even if the conditions are better than described above, these workers still need Jesus' love too!
Monday, November 8, 2010
A Romanian Adventure
20,000 are living on the streets.
83 children are abandoned every month.
These numbers are the very reason I am going to Romania over winter break…to show just a few of the thousands of orphans in this post-communist, repressed place that there is hope found in Jesus.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to join a group of five other college students on a journey to Bucharest, Romania, where we will be working with Heart to Heart International Ministries. Heart to Heart’s purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through medical relief, distribution of clothing, teaching, and nurturing Romanian orphans. We will be flying out from Minneapolis on December 26th, and returning on January 6th.
Romanian orphanages are notorious for being prison-like. But as I began researching Romania and the orphan’s conditions, I wasn’t prepared for what I would find. My heart has been breaking for these precious children as story after story has told of the horrible conditions they face. The most heart wrenching for me to read about is how they are never touched, hugged, or told they are loved.
God has truly been giving me his heart for the orphans in Romania. He desires for them to know that He is their loving father, and that in Him they may have eternal life. God yearns for all orphans to know his name and for justice to prevail. Isaiah 1:17 says “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”
While in Romania, we will be serving in a baby hospital, an orphanage, and a transition program for older orphans. We will be showing these children that they are treasured and loved. Since we will be there near Christmas, we will be distributing Christmas gift boxes to hundreds of children in several orphanages along with presenting a Christmas program.
As I said before, this trip is going to be quite a journey. But really, it already has been! The month of October was a trying rollercoaster as my emotions fought God in a battle over how I would spend my winter break. The days leading up to my final decision to go were filled with some of the most intense time I have ever spent in prayer. It was so cool to see how God spoke to me through the affirmation of friends and family, as well as through a couple books I have been reading.
I realize that I cannot impact very many people with my own strength, wisdom, and means. I need the help of God, and of you. There are two ways in which you can help further His kingdom in Romania. The first is through prayer. Jesus said in John 15:5 “for apart from me you can do nothing.” So I want to go to Romania, completely working for and alongside Jesus. Please be praying for:
· Team unity as we prepare and while in Romania
· Endless opportunities to share Jesus and boldness in doing so
· Safe and smooth travel as well as good health
· That God would reveal His glory through fundraising
· That God would give us supernatural strength, flexibility, and a servant’s heart
The second way in which you can help is financially. The trip cost is $2,800. This covers all of my travel expenses, housing, meals, ministry materials, and translators. I need to turn my funds in by December 1. Of course, better late than never applies, however it would be nice to receive my funds by the designated date! So if God is calling you to partner with me and be a part of this adventure, please send to:
Heather Block
223 Murray Hall
11 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
*Please make checks out to Heart To Heart International Ministries
Heart to Heart is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization, which means that all donations receive a tax receipt.
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