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Monday, November 15, 2010

Sending the Goers

Which is more important-- the rescuer who goes down into the well to save a life, or the man at the top holding the rope? That's a silly question, isn't it? Because you can't have one without the other! 

This morning I read a great passage by The Traveling Team on sending. It addressed being a World Christian, and how that is different from any other christian. A World Christian is one who understands God's heart for the world and strategically lives their life in such a way that wherever they are and whatever they do, they are striving to see Him glorified among all nations. A World Christian is one who, when blessed with a raise or unexpected financial gain, instead of raising their standard of living, is a resource for someone else. A World Christian is one who prays for workers to go out into the harvest.

In Romans 10:13-15, Paul asks a simple question: knowing that all who call on the Lord will be saved, how will they believe if they have not heard, how will they hear with no one preaching, how will they preach with no one sending? Sending is at the beginning of the chain to people hearing and believing! How cool is that? By staying home and just simply giving of your resources and PRAYING, you play just as big a part in missions as the goer does. 

So, how will you be a sender?

1 comment:

  1. These are challenging and difficult thoughts. Even as I am a goer, I am a sender. And even as I am sent, I have much to give. My standard of living is higher than those I serve in many cases. I share what I have and still have leftovers. We are held accountable, each before Him who sees all. Thanks for the thoughts.
