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Friday, November 12, 2010

Bracelets for sale!

Wanna help me get to Romania but don't have a ton of money? Love having one-of-a-kind jewelry that makes an impact on the world around you? Cool! I have just the thing....

Romania Prayer Bracelets!

Hit me up if you would like to get one of these bracelets.
Suggested Donation of whatever your heart wants to give... seriously! Whether it be $2, $5, or $20, any amount will help out.

Will you help support me in this way? It's a great way to spread awareness of the orphans in Romania, as well as a great reminder to pray for them and my upcoming trip.


  1. Send us two! "The check is in the mail..." (Have you ever heard that one before?!)

  2. Hi Heather ,
    Are you mailing these out to people or how does that work I would love to buy one from you also to help support your trip.

    Sarah Duit

  3. I am mainly just selling these on campus to college kids... but I could definitely set aside a couple for whoever to either mail or give next time we see each other!

  4. You could buy a small supply of the cushioned mailers and ask people to give $3 for postage and mailing supplies and that should take care of those costs. You might actually have a business starting! Of course, if you had to mail it to me, it would be more than $3. Any I order, I'll get from you when we come back to the U.S.!

  5. This is so cool! I love the top pictured one. I'm going to put an order in for 5. Bring whatever you have when you come for Thanksgiving and we'll shell out some dough for ya then.
