20,000 are living on the streets.
83 children are abandoned every month.
These numbers are the very reason I am going to Romania over winter break…to show just a few of the thousands of orphans in this post-communist, repressed place that there is hope found in Jesus.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to join a group of five other college students on a journey to Bucharest, Romania, where we will be working with Heart to Heart International Ministries. Heart to Heart’s purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through medical relief, distribution of clothing, teaching, and nurturing Romanian orphans. We will be flying out from Minneapolis on December 26th, and returning on January 6th.
Romanian orphanages are notorious for being prison-like. But as I began researching Romania and the orphan’s conditions, I wasn’t prepared for what I would find. My heart has been breaking for these precious children as story after story has told of the horrible conditions they face. The most heart wrenching for me to read about is how they are never touched, hugged, or told they are loved.
God has truly been giving me his heart for the orphans in Romania. He desires for them to know that He is their loving father, and that in Him they may have eternal life. God yearns for all orphans to know his name and for justice to prevail. Isaiah 1:17 says “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”
While in Romania, we will be serving in a baby hospital, an orphanage, and a transition program for older orphans. We will be showing these children that they are treasured and loved. Since we will be there near Christmas, we will be distributing Christmas gift boxes to hundreds of children in several orphanages along with presenting a Christmas program.
As I said before, this trip is going to be quite a journey. But really, it already has been! The month of October was a trying rollercoaster as my emotions fought God in a battle over how I would spend my winter break. The days leading up to my final decision to go were filled with some of the most intense time I have ever spent in prayer. It was so cool to see how God spoke to me through the affirmation of friends and family, as well as through a couple books I have been reading.
I realize that I cannot impact very many people with my own strength, wisdom, and means. I need the help of God, and of you. There are two ways in which you can help further His kingdom in Romania. The first is through prayer. Jesus said in John 15:5 “for apart from me you can do nothing.” So I want to go to Romania, completely working for and alongside Jesus. Please be praying for:
· Team unity as we prepare and while in Romania
· Endless opportunities to share Jesus and boldness in doing so
· Safe and smooth travel as well as good health
· That God would reveal His glory through fundraising
· That God would give us supernatural strength, flexibility, and a servant’s heart
The second way in which you can help is financially. The trip cost is $2,800. This covers all of my travel expenses, housing, meals, ministry materials, and translators. I need to turn my funds in by December 1. Of course, better late than never applies, however it would be nice to receive my funds by the designated date! So if God is calling you to partner with me and be a part of this adventure, please send to:
Heather Block
223 Murray Hall
11 Garfield Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
*Please make checks out to Heart To Heart International Ministries
Heart to Heart is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization, which means that all donations receive a tax receipt.
You will be strengthened by Him when you need it! This sounds tough for my heart to "get around"...in other words, I think I'd be overwhelmed by sadness if I did this, but I also know He would give me strength if I were called to go. So...I can trust you'll be strengthened since you have been called! Love you tons! And, glad I could tell you many times as you grew up how much I love you!