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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Across the Hall

In just two and a half short weeks I will be leaving for Romania! BAH! I can hardly believe it! I would never have guessed I would be preparing for a trip to Eastern Europe over Christmas break at this time. But I am SO thankful that I am. Because in doing so I have been learning more about our father's heart for the nations... and boy is it a BIG heart! Jesus called us to preach his love to all the nations. And one of the ways that we can be a part of that calling as college students is just simply by walking across the hall. Here's just a couple quick statistics for all you number-minded people out there...
  • There are over 630,000 international students who study in the US each year
  • 60% of international students come from the 10/40 window
  • 80% of international students will never be invited into an American home
  • Of the 220 Heads of State in the world, 40% once studied in the US
These are crazy numbers! These students have given us such a huge opportunity to reach the nations right where we are. Most students go back to their home countries, and take back what they have learned. And what an incredible impact we could have on the world's governments, as the last statistic points to. So I just want to encourage you to be intentional with any international students living on your wing. Invite them to dinner, stop by their room to chat, learn about their culture, and just simply LOVE them. It doesn't have to be anything big. Just showing them a bit of hospitality could go a long way in reaching the nations for Christ.

1 comment:

  1. YES! As the Lord leads us...I still think that sometime in the future...He will connect us with international students...for His glory to share His love!
