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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today was amazing! We again had breakfast at 9 followed by worship and a devo. We then learned that our plan of distributing Christmas presents will be postponed til tomorrow. Apparently Romanian culture is very flexible and "go with the flow." So instead we went over to the girl's transition house to take showers. The water has been out in the house since the night we got here so a couple of the girls hadn't showered since before we traveled. The transition house normally would have a few old orphans- 18 years or older. This year they didn't have any girls, so some of the staff live there. But the boy's house has 7 guys. At the transition house they learn life skills- cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. and are prepared to live by themselves. Three girls that hung out with us today were in the very first girls to graduate the program about 5 years back. They now all live in an apartment and have jobs- one works for H2H. When one of the girls, Sunny (LOVE her- will write more about her later) told me about it she was so proud; it is a really big deal for an orphan to have accomplished what they have.

After we showered at the house and had lunch, we went to the orphange. It was SOOO fun and great! The kids were so loving and VERY touchy... which I was thrilled about obviously! :) It was so touching how right when we got there, they had never even met us, yet they ran out and gave us all hugs and kisses and held our hands and just generally loved on us. And it was such a blessing to get to love on them back! One girl, Adrianna, was so adorable and kept by me a lot of the time. She played with my hair and always had her arm around me. So adorable! We played soccer out in the snow, musical chairs, cards, a dancing group game, and listened to some of the students play instruments. It was so great! I was really suprised by the amount of old orphans there were- there was a group of about 6 or 7 guys that appeared to be between 18 and early twenties. It was awesome to see everyone come out of their shells as the time progressed. Especially one older boy, Marion. He wasn't really participating in the beginning, but at the end of the afternoon he was dancing around and being so goofy!

So the plan for tomorrow (who knows!) is to take presents to the younger orphanage for preschoolers. So I'm bummed we won't get to see the same kids again tomorrow, but we will the next day then. And it will be so fun to hand out gifts! Well, we have a team meeting now! Bye!


  1. Do these orphans learn English?

    It sounds like the Romanian culture is much like the culture we're in. Plans change constantly here!

  2. how sweet that they are so open and willing to be loved. They must not have attachment issues! Be blessed as you continue to meet new children and share with them.
